The religious observance that God the Father considers pure and faultless is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being contaminated by the world.
- James 1:27
Here's another verse that tells us that part of what our obligation is as a believer in the Messiah Yeshua is to keep ourselves from being contaminated from the world. Some days this is easier than others. During the last week of October it can sometimes get difficult - especially with a little one in the house.
Our son has never been trick or treating. We've explained to him from an early age that we don't want to do anything that would make God sad and that participating in Halloween would do just that. For the past three years he has gotten quite a thrill by handing out bags of candy to trick or treaters that come to our door. Why? Because the first thing that he puts in each bag of candy is a tract telling the children how they can have a personal, real relationship with God through Christ. That gets our son really excited!
Another thing that this time of year always seems to highlight is the apparent compromise and error that has found its way into the church at large. There are many, many Christians who don't see any problem with fully participating in Halloween. There are those who think that it's okay to do what non-Christians are doing, but to call it something else. If we look at the verse from James again, I think we can get a good idea what God's position is on the matter. We are not to allow ourselves to be contaminated by the world. That means that we are also not to take something of the world and try to relabel it to make it non-pagan or to make it Christian. We are not to allow ourselves to be contaminated. Period.
Many say that not participating in things like Halloween isn't fair to the kids. After all, it's just harmless fun. Well, no, it's not harmless fun. The devil will use any opening he can get to destroy someone's life, whether we think it's fun or not. And if you want fun for the kids - and the whole family - all we need to do is look to God's Word!
In the Old Testament God has appointed seven feasts. Each of these feasts points to the Messiah in some way and each can and should be celebrated by Christians today. No, we can't and shouldn't keep them as though we were under the Law because we aren't. We have been set free from the Law and are now under the Law of Christ. But I do believe that we can celebrate these feasts with joy in our hearts for the wonderful things the Lord has done for us through His Son, Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah.
It has been a joyous blessing for us to be able to celebrate and share with our son the feasts that the Lord has given us. They are a great way to learn more about our Messiah, as well as wonderful ways to fill our hearts with joy. So rather than look to the world for our fun and celebration, let's look to the Word and join our Father in celebrating the life He has given us!
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
James 1:27
Posted by
L. A. Krueger
4:12 PM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
1 Peter 1:13-16
Therefore, get your minds ready for work, keep yourselves under control, and fix your hopes fully on the gift you will receive when Yeshua the Messiah is revealed. As people who obey God, do not let yourselves be shaped by the evil desires you used to have when you were still ignorant. On the contrary, following the Holy One who called you, become holy yourselves in your entire way of life; since the Scripture says, "You are to be holy because I am holy."
-- 1 Peter 1:13-16
First I just wanted to say how good it feels to be back. My computer was in the shop for a couple of weeks, but it's home now! Now, on to our verse for today!
Over the years I have found that God quite often repeats Himself. It's not for His benefit. It's for you and me. We humans tend to be stubborn and rather thick headed at times - well, at least I know I am! In this verse from 1 Peter, Peter is telling believers that we need to actively disallow evil in our lives and desires. We are to actively become holy in our entire way of life! Why? Because God said that we are to be holy because He is holy. That scares me. It sounds very intimidating. I know myself well enough to know that I'm not holy or perfect in any way. I rather feel defeated before I even start!
But last night something dawned on me. It had to be God, because the thought was comforting and made me feel much better about these sorts of verses. To be holy doesn't mean to be perfect, or to live a life that is super-spiritual. To be holy means to be set apart for God. If we are to become holy, we are to continually be set apart in every area of our lives for God. He will guide us and show us the things that we need to let go - the evil desires and practices that we still cling to even though we are now His children. Oh, and "evil" doesn't mean that you're doing something heinous. It simply means that you're doing something that's displeasing to God.
Time and again God calls us to be holy. Time and again God calls us to cleanse ourselves from the desires and trappings of the world. Why? Because He loves us and He knows what's good for us - even if we think we know what's best for ourselves. He knows what will hurt us. He knows what will cause us pain and suffering. He sent His Son, Jesus, to set us free from these things, and only with His help can we do that. Ask Him and He will indeed help you become holy. He's the only one who can, because He is holy.
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L. A. Krueger
7:31 AM
Friday, October 19, 2007
James 1:19-20
My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.
- James 1:19-20
Sometimes we think we know what God is saying to us through His Word. Sometimes what we think He's saying is what He's saying. Other times, however, what we think He's saying isn't really what He's saying at all. Take the above verse for example.
I'm sure that you've heard this verse preached to mean that we need to listen well in conversation, slow to speak in conversation or in an argument, and slow to become angry with others as this would not be beneficial to ourselves or others. After all, we have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen twice as much as we speak! While this message isn't inherently bad (and it could be excellent advice in some situations), this isn't what God was trying to tell us through James.
In the previous verse James had said, "He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created." So he is speaking of the Word of God when he goes on to the next verse about being quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. But what exactly is he saying?
When listening to the Word we need to listen intently, giving respect and reverence to the Word. In being slow to speak, James is telling us not to interrupt the preaching of the Word. And in being slow to anger, we are not to become angry with the Word. Angry with the Word? Yep!
Have you ever read something in Scripture and it simply rubs you the wrong way? It might have to do with your lifestyle, your money, your job, or your relationships. You read it and while you know that the Word is speaking the truth and that it is speaking to you, you'd simply rather overlook that particular portion so that you don't have to be inconvenienced. But inside you might find that a seed of anger has been planted toward the Word - and toward God Himself.
"Who is He to tell me what to do?"
"I've lived my life just fine until now. I don't need any help."
"If I want to change anything in my life, I will, but on my terms."
These or a host of other seeds will lead us down a road that is not healthy for us. When we find ourselves in this situation, we need to ask God to show us what it is that's burning our toast so that He can come with His healing. As James says, man's anger doesn't bring the righteousness that God desires us to have in our lives. It is God's desire that we live in righteousness. And if we will allow God the courtesy of leading and teaching us in His ways, He will lead us into freedom in every area of our lives.
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L. A. Krueger
12:14 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Romans 8:6
Having one's mind controlled by the old nature is death, but having one's mind controlled by the Spirit is life and shalom (peace).
- Romans 8:6
Time and time again in the New Testament we see that our mind plays a very important role in our salvation and in the process of becoming more Christ-like. We are to have the mind of Christ. We are to renew our minds. Temptation and sin begin in our minds. And in this verse from Romans we can see that our mind does need to be controlled, but by whom?
Rather than allowing our minds to be controlled by our old nature, we should allow our mind to be controlled by the Spirit of God. Being controlled by the old nature would be allowing ourselves to continue to be involved in thoughts and actions that we partook of prior to coming to Christ - things that Scripture says are against the Law of God and are sin and death to us. This could include, but is by no means limited to, watching violent or sexually explicit movies, listening to music that promotes violence or drug use, continuing to engage in addictive behaviours, or simply allowing our minds to run free in our thought life. All of these things will bring us pain and will keep us from having a close relationship with the Lord.
We must choose what we allow into our minds via our eyes and our ears. We must choose to say no to things that are unacceptable to God. We must choose to turn our lives over to God and allow Him to lead us in His ways.
If we allow ourselves to be controlled by the Sprit of God we will begin to be freed from the old nature and start to experience the freedom that Christ died to give us. We will spend time studying Scripture so that we can know God better and come to know His will. In this way His Spirit can have more and more control in our lives and we will indeed experience His life and His peace - in our minds, in our bodies, and in every area of our lives.
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L. A. Krueger
2:40 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Psalm 136:1
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good.
His love endures forever.
- Psalm 136:1
This psalm, like so many others, declares the goodness and greatness of God by recalling His mighty deeds. As His deeds are retold, we are told time and again to give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, and that his love endures forever.
I have come to understand the importance of being able to remember the things that God has done for us. Over the past sixteen months I have been journaling more regularly than I ever have before. I've tried in the past, but was never very consistent. But over the past sixteen months I haven't gone for more than a few days without making an entry. By doing this, I have been able to look back and recall things that the Lord has done or spoken to me through His Word. These things have been especially encouraging for me on days when I really need encouragement. It is also a great testament to the Lord's faithfulness and love. Truly He is good and His love endures forever.
If you've never kept a diary or journal, I would encourage you to do so. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, and you don't have to be an eloquent writer. The words are between you and God alone. I think you'll be amazed at how your relationship with Him will strengthen as you praise Him, ask Him questions, and jot down His words for you. You will also be able to see the consistency of the Lord as time goes on. To give one example - I had come across a book I had started to journal in at least four years ago. The page I happened to open it up to had a verse on it - Zechariah 3:17. This verse has become quite precious to me during the past sixteen months, and it was amazing to me that the Lord had been speaking those words to me at least that long ago, if not further back. Had I never written that down I would have missed an opportunity to marvel over the Lord's love and mercy. Don't you let a chance like that pass you by!
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L. A. Krueger
1:56 PM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Romans 15:13
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Romans 15:13
Wow! Now that's a power-packed verse! Hope. It's vital to our very existence. Have you ever met anyone without hope? Very sad. Sadder still, have you ever been without hope? There have been a few times in my life when I've felt that there was no hope. But God always brings me back to His Word and the power in His Word.
This verse is so beautiful because it gives us the key to attaining hope - trusting in God. God is the God of hope and He will fill us with joy and peace when we trust in Him. Then, in that place of trusting Him, He will pour out so much hope into us by His Holy Spirit that we will overflow with hope! God even gives us the faith to be able to trust Him, so He's really put the whole burden on Himself. Isn't that just like Him? What a wonderful God we serve!
If you feel that you don't have any hope, please turn to the only One who can give it to you - Y'shua, Jesus the Messiah. Let Him show you the truth about Himself. Let Him fill you with His hope.
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Posted by
L. A. Krueger
3:59 PM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Proverbs 3:21-24
My son, preserve sound judgment and discernment,
do not let them out of your sight;
they will be life for you,
an ornament to grace your neck.
Then you will go on your way in safety,
and your foot will not stumble;
when you lie down, you will not be afraid;
when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.
- Proverbs 3:21-24
So many time in Scripture there is a "then." Unfortunately we don't always bother to go back and find out what the "then" is referring to. In these verses from Proverbs there is a "then" smack in the middle, but most times you will only see the two verses that begin with the "then."
For many years I've had problems sleeping. Either I can't go to sleep, or I do go to sleep and then wake up in the middle of the night. The Lord has shown me the root of the problem and He is graciously bringing me healing and restoration in this area (as well as in a number of others). When He first brought these verses to my attention I found it interesting that sound judgment and discernment were connected with safety, lack of fear, and the ability to sleep sweetly. These are words that I cling to as I press in toward God and seek His judgment and discernment for my life.
There are so many precious promises that God gives to us in His Word. But let's make sure that we take the time to surround the whole promise and not simply pick out the bit that we want to see.
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L. A. Krueger
11:45 AM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
He Who Has An Ear...
He who has an ear, let him hear...
Matthew 13; Revelation 2 & 3
I find it very interesting that this phrase, "He who has an ear, let him hear," is said over and over again in the above chapters. In each case the Lord is urging individuals to hear what He is saying. Why? So that we can avoid finding ourselves in less than desirable circumstances. I think that's very nice of the Lord to warn us like that, don't you? But do we really listen to Him? Do we know Him well enough to know what He's saying to us?
For a lot of Christians going to church on Sunday morning and listening to their pastor speak is about as much of God as they can take. I'm sure that for many they wouldn't even think twice about the situation as it's the status quo. Unfortunately, in order to really get to know God, to know Him and to know His voice, we need to spend time with Him. We need to get to know Him by reading His Word to us (the Bible) and learning about Him ourselves.
Each time the Lord said, "He who has an ear, let him hear," He wasn't talking to pastors or evangelists so that they could in turn relay the message to the masses. He was speaking to individuals so that we could each take responsibility for ourselves, which is exactly what He expects us to do. Y'shua, Jesus, the Messiah, came and died for our sins - for your sins and mine. He wants to know you personally and He wants you to know Him so well that you could never be fooled by a faker. He clean the spiritual wax out of your ears so you can hear Him clearly. If you've never asked Him into your life before, you can click here and do so now. You'll be glad you did!
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L. A. Krueger
4:31 PM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Song of Solomon 2:10b-12
Get up, my love! My beauty! Come away!
For you see that the winter has passed,
the rain is finished and gone,
the flowers are appearing in the countryside,
the time has acome for the birds to sing,
and the cooing of doves can be heard in the land.
- Song of Solomon 2:10b-12
There has been a growing number of robins gathering daily in the trees in the boulevard in front of our house this past week. I knew it would happen. I just didn't know it would happen so soon. It happens every year. The robins gather, then they fly south for the winter. Yes, it's only the beginning of October, but the heralds of winter are already showing up.
In this verse from the Song of Solomon there are other hallmarks being mentioned - signs that winter is finished and gone. Life is filled with seasons and cycles. There is a rythm to life that can be so very comforting, even when the season or cycle might be less than enjoyable. If we look hard enough we can find God in it all. If we look hard enough we can see His treasures and His refreshment in the seasons and cycles of our lives. If we simply look for Him, He will be there.
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L. A. Krueger
2:10 PM
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Isaiah 43:18-19
Stop dwelling on past events
and brooding over times gone by;
I am doing something new;
it's springing up - cant' you see it?
I am making a road in the desert,
rivers in the wasteland.
- Isaiah 43:18-19
When the Lord first brought this to my attention I was amazed. I knew that the Lord wanted me to understand that He was indeed doing something new in my life. In fact I had heard those verses before and really liked the idea of His doing something new - that He would make a way for me where it looked dry and wasted. But this time I knew He wanted me to see verse 18 and that the two verses really did go together. That got me to thinking.
I didn't need to ask if I really was dwelling on past events. I was the queen of brooding over times gone by. When the Lord brought this to my attention there were a few things that I found interesting. First of all, whenever I would start dwelling on past events, on wrongs done to me or on wrongs that I had done to others, I would start to relive the feelings of the past and get angry, depressed, you name it. If I had either forgiven or asked for forgiveness, then I was purposely going back to the filth of those sins and wallowing in them - probably not such a good thing to do. Then there's the word "brooding." Now, some folks use that word to mean fuss or fume over something, but this is the same word that the Lord uses in Genesis when He says that the Spirit of the Lord was brooding over the face of the deep during creation. There is a sense of care and nurturing attached with this word. Was I really caring for and nurturing my feelings of pain and frustration that are attached with those times gone by? You bet I was! Lastly, if I really was dwelling on past events and brooding over times gone by, if my attention was focused there, could I really see the newness that the Lord was bringing to my life? Very simply, it was extremely difficult to do so because my attention was not on the Lord.
God is indeed doing new things in our lives. He wants to bring us to new places of intimacy with Him. He wants to heal us emotionally, physically, and spiritually. But we have to cooperate, let go of what lies in the past, focus our attention on the Lord, and be amazed at what He does for us!
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Posted by
L. A. Krueger
9:08 AM
Monday, October 8, 2007
Habakkuk 2:2
Write the vision
And make it plain…
- Habakkuk 2:2
Not too long ago the Lord brought this verse to me. What struck me about it is the fact that the Lord wanted the prophet Habakkuk to write down the vision plainly – nothing fancy or cryptic, but just plain talk so that people could understand what was being communicated. I think this is a very important point for us to remember. God wants us to understand what He tells us.
Now I know that some passages in the Bible seem “out there.” The book of The Revelation is one that comes to mind. Or how about some of the stuff in Daniel? Talk about weird! But even those things that seem to be beyond our grasp really can be understood if we remember to allow the Bible to mean what it says, and if we remember to interpret Scripture by using the whole of Scripture. Taking The Revelation as an example, every idiom used in that book are explained elsewhere in the Bible – you just have to dig for them!
So the next time you come across a passage of Scripture that’s a bit tough to tangle with, get out your shovel and get ready to dig for treasure! Remember, God wants you to understand His Word!
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Posted by
L. A. Krueger
9:35 AM
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Dueteronomy 6:4-9
Hear, O Israel! The Lord your God, the Lord is One! You shall love the Lord your God will all your heart, with all your strength and with all your might. And these words which I command you this day shall be upon thy heart. You shall teach them diligently unto thy children and shall speak of them as you sit in your house, as you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign upon thy hand, and they shall be for frontlets between thine eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of thy house and upon thy gates.
- Deuteronomy 6:4-9
These are the first words that the Lord tucked away in my heart many, many years ago. When I was a child my family would go to synagogue almost every Friday night, and every time we were there we would recite these words. There was something about them that was just so beautiful to me – how God’s words were to be the focus of our lives, that we were to think of them at all times, and that we were to teach them diligently to our children. Needless to say, these words have been with me since my childhood. In fact, the way that I have written the verses is the way I remember saying them in synagogue and are the only way that sound “right” to me.
I have always taken the Word of God seriously, even before I came into a relationship with God through the Messiah. But now that I’m a mother, these words that I remember from my childhood have far greater meaning for me. I am now to diligently teach our child God’s Word – no small task, and quite daunting! But I know that if I rely on the One Who sowed these words in my heart when I was a child, He will teach and guide me as I teach and guide the child that He has given to us. Because of His guidance, teaching our son is a joy! I pray that your exploration of the Word of God will be a joy for you as well!
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Posted by
L. A. Krueger
9:21 AM
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Zephaniah 3:17
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.
- Zephaniah 3:17
These words from Zephaniah are very special to me. About sixteen months ago I felt that the Lord gave them to me as a promise as I entered a very difficult and uncertain time in my life. Through these months, time and again, the Lord has indeed proven Himself faithful and His words have become so very precious to me. “He will quiet you with his love,” has come to hold a particular sweetness for me, not only because the Lord does indeed do that for me, but because it reminds me of when our son was an infant.
There would be nights when our son just didn’t seem to want to settle down. I’d check and change his diaper, I’d give him a bottle, but he’d still be fussy. At that point the only thing I had left for him was me and my love for him. I would cradle him in my arms and love him. Those nights spent with him like that were some of the most precious times with him! It usually didn’t take very long before he would drift off into a sound sleep, and I would just hold him and watch as he slept.
I think that the Lord truly wants to do the same for us, if we’ll let Him. Can you imagine the God of the universe watching over you as you sleep? Not merely watching over you, but watching you because He adores you. I pray that today He would show you just how much He loves you, and that you would be able to rest in His love.
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Posted by
L. A. Krueger
9:15 AM
Friday, October 5, 2007
Psalm 103:1-5
Bless the Lord, my soul!
Everything in me, bless his holy name!
Bless the Lord, my soul,
And forget none of his benefits!
He forgives all your offenses,
He heals all your diseases,
He redeems your life from the pit,
He surrounds you with grace and compassion,
He contents you with good as long as you live,
So that your youth is renewed like an eagle’s.
- Psalm 103:1-5
Do you sometimes feel like you’re stuck in the mud? Just stuck in a dirty, messy place and that you’ll never be able to get out of it? Sometimes all we need to do when we’re feeling down is look up to the One Who made us.
In this psalm King David begins by commanding his soul to bless and praise the Lord. I think he had a really good idea there. It’s usually not good enough for us to wait until we feel like praising God – we simply have to do it. That could mean spending time with Him in prayer, spending time in the Word, praising Him with song, or worshipping Him by being obedient to His will. Do you need a reason to praise Him? King David gives us a few of them right here!
He forgives all your offenses. He heals all your diseases. He redeems your life from the pit. He surrounds you with grace and compassion. He contents you with good as long as you live. If you are in Christ, then you truly do have all of these benefits. You might not see the full fruition of these things in your life yet, but in Christ they are yours. And why does He give you these benefits? So that your youth can be renewed like an eagle’s. I don’t know about you, but having my youth renewed sure sounds like a good deal!
I’ll be honest with you. Sometimes in this life it seems that we will never attain all of the benefits that God has promised us. But when I start questioning God’s sincerity or His will I have to stop myself and ask a big question. Whose standards am I measuring God by – the world’s or the Word’s? There’s a huge difference. In this life we sometimes get wrapped up in wanting more stuff, more money, a bigger house, more, more, more! But we must be very careful not to gauge our “success” with God in these terms. Rather I would ask – do you have peace in your heart, in your home, in your emotions? Are you free from fear because you have an intimate relationship with the One Who made you? Instead of using the world’s yardstick, dive into the Word and grab God’s measure instead. And remember…
He forgives… He heals… He redeems… He surrounds you... He contents you…
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Posted by
L. A. Krueger
7:11 AM
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Psalm 119:1-2
How happy are those whose way of life is blameless, who live by the Torah of the Lord! How happy are those who observe his instruction, who seek him wholeheartedly!
- Psalm 119:1-2
Today is the eighth and final day of Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles). This day is an especially joyous day and is called Simcha Torah – Joy of the Law! I will never forget the excitement I felt as a child on this day as we stood in synagogue as the Torah was reverently paraded through the congregation.
When you think of the Bible do you think of a book of rules that cramp your style or do think of the love that God has shown us by giving us His Word? I would hope that we would all try to look at God’s Word the way the Psalmist did – that by observing the instructions that God has so lovingly given us we would find true happiness. God’s Word should be the foundation for our lives, and the joy of our hearts!
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Posted by
L. A. Krueger
9:48 AM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Matthew 11:28-30
“Come to me, all of you who are struggling and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.”
- Matthew 11:28-30
Here is another beautiful picture of the loving care that our God has for us. Y’shua, Jesus, wants us to come to him. Why? So that he can give us our marching orders? No. So that we can go out into the world and work, work, work for God? No. So that we can find rest for our weary souls. In this day and age that is a very welcome invitation. Y’shua is an oasis in a dry and thirsty land. He wants us to come to him – all of us who are struggling and burdened by whatever life has thrown at us. He will give us rest. Then when we learn from him and allow ourselves to be yoked with him, we will indeed find rest for our souls because we will have stopped struggling in our own works, our works of the flesh, and will be able to enter into God’s perfect rest for us. It’s an offer too good to pass up!
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L. A. Krueger
8:44 AM
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Hebrews 4:9-10
So there remains a Shabbat-keeping for God’s people. For the one who has entered God’s rest has also rested from his own works, as God did from his.
- Hebrews 4:9-10
Over the years I’ve come across many Christians who sincerely believe that in order to follow Christ we must follow at least some, if not all, of the Old Covenant mandates. But according to the apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans, if we are in Christ we are no longer subject to the law of Moses. We are free in Christ and not under the law of death. So as far as trying to keep the law, whether it would be by trying to keep the Sabbath, keep the dietary laws, or tithing, if we are in Christ we are free from the legalism and death that these things bring. But if that’s the case, then what about this Sabbath-keeping that’s mentioned in Hebrews?
Sometimes things are so very plain and simple that we just don’t get it. I think this is one of those cases, as the passage tells us exactly what it means. There is indeed a Sabbath rest that God’s people are to keep. That Sabbath rest is the same type of rest that God took on the first Sabbath so very long ago – He rested from His own work. In order for us to keep this Sabbath rest, we must rest from our own work, from our striving and busyness. We must lay down our wills and look only to Y’shua the Messiah and His will for our lives. During the times when we are able to do this we will experience the peace of God like never before. We will experience the freedom from burdens we have been carrying that we were never meant to carry. We will truly enter into the Sabbath rest – a pure rest given to us from God.
Posted by
L. A. Krueger
9:37 AM
Monday, October 1, 2007
Psalm 46:10
Supreme over the nations,
Supreme over the earth.
- Psalm 46:10
Be still and know that I am God… Or as in this translation, “Desist, and learn that I am God.” (Complete Jewish Bible) Whether it is to be still or to desist, I don’t think either option is easy to do.
If you want to know how difficult it is to be still, ask a child to do so. It won’t be long before the fidgets start in – especially if it’s a boy. But how does that fidgeting look on an adult? There are lots and lots of ways we can “be busy” in order to avoid being still before God – running errands, endless activities with the kids, too much time watching TV, too much time on the internet, shopping, gambling, you name it. Why do we do these things? As I said, to avoid being still before God, because being still before God means that there might be some uncomfortable time learning not only about God, but about ourselves and the things in our lives which aren’t pleasing to Him.
What I find interesting in the CJB translation is the use of the word “desist.” This implies that there is an active opposition to God, which we as fallen humans do have whether we realize it or not. Our wills are not in submission to God, but are bent on doing what we want, when we want, thank you very much. But as this verse says, when we desist – when we stop fighting against God – that is when we can learn that He truly is God, that He is supreme over the nations, supreme over the earth, and supreme over our lives as well. There very well may be pain in the process, but in the end there simply is no other way to live. So for today, be still.
Posted by
L. A. Krueger
9:29 AM