Saturday, October 6, 2007

Zephaniah 3:17

The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.

- Zephaniah 3:17

These words from Zephaniah are very special to me. About sixteen months ago I felt that the Lord gave them to me as a promise as I entered a very difficult and uncertain time in my life. Through these months, time and again, the Lord has indeed proven Himself faithful and His words have become so very precious to me. “He will quiet you with his love,” has come to hold a particular sweetness for me, not only because the Lord does indeed do that for me, but because it reminds me of when our son was an infant.

There would be nights when our son just didn’t seem to want to settle down. I’d check and change his diaper, I’d give him a bottle, but he’d still be fussy. At that point the only thing I had left for him was me and my love for him. I would cradle him in my arms and love him. Those nights spent with him like that were some of the most precious times with him! It usually didn’t take very long before he would drift off into a sound sleep, and I would just hold him and watch as he slept.

I think that the Lord truly wants to do the same for us, if we’ll let Him. Can you imagine the God of the universe watching over you as you sleep? Not merely watching over you, but watching you because He adores you. I pray that today He would show you just how much He loves you, and that you would be able to rest in His love.

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